How cute is this little guy. He is such a sweetheart. At his checkup this month he was 34 3/4 inches and weighed in at 24lbs. This boy is so funny he is always walking around on his tippie toes or bending his knees while walking. He LOVES to dance and play b-ball, really anything to do with balls. He still loves ELMO and Doggies. He also loves bath time and playing with J, even when he is getting chased around and knocked down he comes back for more. He now HAS to sit at the counter with big brother to eat and loves to dip his foods in pretty much anything but especially sour cream. He also has to get in the car and up into his seat all by himself. I love this guy he is always making us laugh anytime he hears the phone he runs to it and starts yelling into it DaDa DaDa, and anytime he sees a picture of his dad he gets so excited and starts yelling his name. I am so glad this little boy is in our lives I can't imagine it without him. He has such a sweet soul and is so loving towards others, always wanting to cuddle. Hud also LOVES nursery the second we put him in he practically ran to the class and he has never looked back even when I sneak a peek through the window and he spots me he just smiles and goes right on stuffing goldfish into his mouth!
Huddy's 18th Month
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 9:55 AM 4 comments
My Shower
My wonderful Sisters-In-Law and my mom all got together and threw me the best impromptu shower ever. Thanks to She's Got It All the Decor was Gorgeous. The food was excellent and I got such great stuff that I truly needed, since I didn't have anything for a girl.
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 2:30 PM 8 comments
Rainy Day
During the beautiful rainy weather we had this past week J & H decided to make it even more wet. Apparently the amount of rain was just not enough to completely soak them so they thought they would do it themselves.
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 1:30 PM 1 comments
Presley Ann Cummard
Well I finally did it, I got my girl. I am so glad I decided to wait it was so much more exciting this way. It couldn't have been a more perfect way to find out.
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 8:37 AM 9 comments
Our Home Has Just Grown By 2 FEET!
It is time to start thinking PINK!!!
She is a healthy, happy angel.
Weight: 7 lbs. 10 oz
Length: 20 1/2"
Her name is :
.Presley Ann Cummard
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 6:53 PM 27 comments
One more week till Baby
I just went to the doctor and since I am measuring a week and a half bigger and completely miserable. Plus the fact that I am going to Hawaii the end of August my doctor set me up to be induced next Wed. night so looks like Thursday I am going to have another baby. I am totally nervous but super excited to find out what it is, and so excited to be done being pregnant I am completely miserable. Can't wait, I feel like have so much to do and now the clock is really ticking.
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 6:36 PM 6 comments
4th of July Fun
To start off the weekend we got up to the cabin on the 4th and went to the Payson Fireworks show. This was our first time and other than the fact that it drizzled the whole time and we parked super far away and had to walk it was great fun. We were right under the fireworks and they were fantastic. Hudson got a little scared and then he decided to just lay on my belly and not even look. Sat. morning started with Wayne's Breakfast a Tradition at the Lebaron Reunion. It is bacon, with a piece of bread on it with a hole in the center that you put the egg all cooked on these burners. Now it is actually very tasty the only problem is that it takes about 10-20 min. to cook one depending on how good your burner is. Course this is actually a great way to keep from overeating!
He also loved following the dogs around which he did all weekend
Hud loved doing the launcher
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 4:00 PM 2 comments