After FHE on monday we decided to make sugar cookies and hand them out to a couple of people.I was going to make them from a Betty Crocker bag mix but I thought no I am going to make homemade ones for the FIRST time ever. Yes I have never made sugar cookies before partly due the fact that until just recently I did not own a rolling pin which makes it pretty difficult to do without one. We had a blast Huddy just wanted to eat the frosting and Stephen kept stealing bites of dough but J was right in there doing it all. After our first time success we took them to Mrs. K, J's old preschool teacher and his primary teacher ( His choice)
Sugar Cookies
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 7:57 AM 10 comments
Snow Day
On Sat. Dana Park shops were having a grand opening when I drove by I noticed a huge pile of Snow in the middle of the parking lot so I decided to take the kids. We had a blast playing in the snow in our flip flops, watching Radio Disney dancers sing and dance songs from HSM3, play at the toy store and get a couple of Free Samples of Ocean Blue Frozen Yogurt. Which were quite tasty I especially enjoyed the lime sherbert. As soon as I tried to go shopping in some stores for me though it was over the kids had had enough. Later that night we went to Ra with my fam. and no Stephen and let me say NIGHTMARE! I didn't want to go but my family wouldn't understand so I went and I should have stuck with my first instinct Huddy, my usually most behaved child was out of control, screaming the entire time we were in there if there wasn't food right in front of his face. So I spent most of the time in the bathroom or outside awaiting the food. After he had devoured his California rolls, shrimp and edamame he decided it was time to dance! Oh what a night.All the fountains had bubbles in it which Huddy found super fun.
Hudson had a blast throwing snowballs at no one.
That is soy sauce all over his face after he downed it.
getting jiggy with it
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 7:40 AM 3 comments
My Little Girls first 2 months
Oh how fast the time goes. She is getting so big, at her 2wk Dr.'s appt. she was 8lbs 7 oz and I am proud to say she is now a healthy 10lbs. 12oz. I was actually a little surprised she still seems like such a peanut to me. She is 50% percentile in weight 97% in height ( 25 in) and 10% in her head. And Perfect as ever. For her first tummy time experience around 2 wks. she rolled almost immediately on to her back the first few time. She hated it and still does she does however like to lay on my tummy and look up at me. Regardless of her tummy time experience she is so very strong she was holding her head up in the first 2 wks. and pushing up soon thereafter. Around 7 wks she started smiling on a regular basis, also started cooing back at us when we would do it to her. She is still my hardest baby we have tried formula after formula but she is just fussy and spits up a ton. Though she has gotten a little bit better in the last couple of weeks. She loves to be held and talked to and loves her brothers already, and they just adore her, I often find Hudson laying next to her just looking at her. The first thing he says in the morning is Baby, he can't wait to see her. ( though most of the time he is running away with her binkie). She sleeps so good through the night she goes to bed around 9 only waking up once around 3 or 4 and then anywhere from 6-8. We love her so much and couldn't imagine our lives without her in it. Nor could I have lasted any longer with all the BOY stuff, I needed the PINK!
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 11:48 AM 11 comments
Presley's Blessing Day
The only semi decent picture I could get of us and the kids, J not looking or smiling, Hud not looking with he mouth open and Pres with her tongue out. Nice
This last Sunday we blessed Miss Presley, she looked so adorable in her little white dress, with matching bracelet ( that I made, I am finally getting to make cute baby girl jewlery!) and the shoes Grandma C makes for all the grandkids with their name and blessing date on it. It was a beautiful blessing and all of our family were able to make it all the way out to QC. Grandpa D who performed the blessing called Steve's brother David that morning and asked him if he could bring Presley up to the front since he was worried he might trip with her and fall. ( Since he already accidently sat on her at the cabin, don't worry she didn't get hurt). My uncle Bill said she kept popping her binkie out of her mouth and he had to keep catching it and shoving it back in.
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 11:48 AM 6 comments
Pictures Galore
My boys LOVE to play with stickers, not only putting them all over themselves but also on the tile, furniture doors and so on. Here they are hamming it up. They absolutely adore each other and always want to do what the other one is. Are they not so Handsome!
J of course asked me to go get the camera and take a picture of them.
On Monday night while I was feeding the baby Huddy comes in the family room holding the FHE book gives it to me and then proceeds to go and stand in front of the T.V. ( J & Huds place for singing the song) I have no idea how he knew it was FHE night I don't remember saying anything about it. What a sweetie pie.
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 11:48 AM 0 comments
Every time we go to Peter Piper Pizza, I almost never give J any tokens recently I have been letting him bring one of his own dollars to spend there. Mainly because it is a waste of money and they have plenty of fun without tokens as well. So the other day Stephen met us there and before I could tell him the "rules" he had changed in MY $5 dollar bill for Tokens! So they spent most of the time trying to earn as many tickets as possible. I believe they ended up with around 150, but they had a blast playing those dumb games together so I guess it was worth it after all.A dinosaur, tootsie rolls, rub on tattoo's totally worth $5
my little angel sleeping the whole time
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 11:48 AM 1 comments
Labor Day
For Labor Day we headed up to the cabin. It was the BEST weather ever. We played games ate a ton of Great Food and I even got presents and CAKE! Steve enlisted the kids in painting our stairs and fixing the roof. Since all the rain that Strawberry has had this past few months when we got up there the whole meadow was covered in flowers, it was absolutely gorgeous. Every where Stephen goes he marks his territory with these two symbols though usually the S has two lines in it for the money sign. He has marked his vehicle, his moms b-ball hoop, J's toys, movies anything and everything he can. This was no exception.
Cheryl's Cabin Wrapping "paper"
Posted by See it Try it Love it at 3:33 PM 3 comments