
Enrichment Night

Last Tuesday was Enrichment Night which I am in charge of. It was our Holiday Enrichment, we had it at the Eaves/Campbell place outside in the back. It was so gorgeous they had it at their place last year when Kera was in charge of Enrichment so I thought we should start a tradition for the Holiday. We enjoyed super yummy soups, rolls and a huge array of delicious desserts. After the musical program and story we sat around the fire and told our Christmas Traditions. I had such a good time, it is amazing how much you can learn about a person by the traditions thy have. I am so glad that everything turned out great and it ran so smoothly plus it was like the warmest night of the month so lucky us. When I got home I found my house a mess and BOTH of the boys asleep in our bed. Not exactly the way I would have hoped for. Sometimes I think I should hire a babysitter instead of leaving the kids with their father. His response, at least they are alive. (typical)


Jenna said...

I totally know Kera Eaves. Her husband Wes's brother Brady, is my brother in law. Tell her you know me!! That is funny!!! I want your calling, instead I always have primary. I am starting to think they don't think I can do anything else!

chris+amber said...

"At least they're alive." That cracks me up. I love Enrichment nights. I'm on the committee in my ward too and I love that calling. We had soup in bread bowls too. YUM!

Kristina said...

I WISH my house looked like that when it was a mess! Thats a good day for me :) hehe

Jamie W. said...

That was a fun enrichment when we had it there last year. Keep up the great tradition.

Anonymous said...

You always do such a wonderful job for enrichment. That night was great...and yummy!!! Loved the jar idea!!
Jess Walker

Creative Corner said...

Hello. I was blog hopping from Maryanne's and saw yours love the posts, you are way to cute! '

I am the Enrichment leader in my ward and it is hard to come up with new ideas. I might just have to pick your brain to see what you do (especially after reading these posts about how good you are).

Do you do just the quarterly nights or more often? Thanks so much!