
B Y U - Go Cougars

Back in December BYU came to town for the first time since Lee started playing for them. We were all so excited. We all put on our "Fear the Ears" shirts and headed over to Glendale. 
BYU vs. ASU 
The game was awesome it was a real nail biter. 
All the kids made signs the night before for Uncle Lee. 
Jack's was Uncle Lee is # 1
I even managed to get some face time on T.V. 
- an lady came up to Sarah to interview her and since she wasn't wearing the "shirt" she asked me to stand up next to her and show it off. 
I was quite embaresed since everyone was staring at us, I spent the entire time sucking in.
It was a close game that we ended up loosing, but it was a great game to watch.
Jackson had a blast coming, that was his first time seeing a game.